Our Refund Policy

The BusinessPhoto.AI Guarantee

At BusinessPhoto.AI, we are committed to customer satisfaction with our AI-generated business photos. We understand that occasionally, the delivered photos may not align with your expectations. In such instances, we offer the opportunity for a complimentary redo, facilitated by our dedicated support team. Your cooperation with our support team is crucial in ensuring that the revised photos meet your standards.

If, despite our efforts, you remain dissatisfied with the revised photos, you are entitled to a full refund. Please be advised that as our products are digital, we have instituted specific policies to deter misuse and uphold the highest quality standards for all our customers. These policies are designed to balance flexibility for genuine customer concerns with the necessity of maintaining integrity and fairness in our operations.

What Doesn't Qualify for a Refund

We may not be able to provide a refund in the following scenarios:

Non-Compliance with Upload Instructions: If you are dissatisfied with your photos, we will review your uploaded images to ensure they comply with our upload guidelines.

Usage of Photos: To prevent abuse, uploading the AI-generated images on any social platform or website is considered as using our product. You have the opportunity to download the AI-generated images and view them on your device before sharing them publicly.

Timeframe for Refund Requests: Refund requests must be made within 7 days of the purchase date.

Non-cooperation with support team:
Active and cooperative engagement with our support team is essential for processing your concerns. Lack of cooperation may affect your eligibility for a refund.

How to Request a Refund

To request a refund, please contact our Customer Support team by emailing support@businessphoto.ai. Ensure you include the email address associated with your order in your refund request.

How Long Do Refunds Take

We will review and respond to your refund request within 1-3 business days. If approved, the refund will be processed and the funds will be returned to your original payment method within 5-10 business days.